Why We Need To Help Children Develop A Sound Moral Compass

Ways to steer them through troubled seas and unfamiliar roads.

Maria Rattray


It seems to me that the world has lost its way. So much unrest, so much hatred, so much violence, all of which many of us can watch within the ‘comfort’ of our own homes.

When the 9/11 bombings occurred, I arrived at work totally oblivious to the disaster, to find my colleagues huddled together, tears freely flowing.

And I had no idea. Now, for the first time in history, we could freely watch wars on TV. The world was changed forever, I thought.

Yes it had changed, it was difficult to comprehend, or do anything about. I felt both helpless and despondent. It took so long to pick up the fragments of my life and go on living. For a long time I felt ill at ease, always looking over my proverbial shoulder, wondering, always wary.

That day, the boys in my class wanted to draw pictures of what they’d seen. I allowed them to do that, leaving the drawings there, for a later discussion. Later in the day we talked about why people behave badly. Fights in the playground, being nasty to one another, spouting bad commentary to each other, are, in fact, mini wars, and unchecked can lead to much bigger confrontations.



Maria Rattray

Writer, author, teacher, fun-loving poet. Trying valiantly to make the world a better place. Helping you to guide the future. Find me at: https://ponmyword.com