Why We Should Not Confuse Hard Work With Important Work

All I want to do is find work that I enjoy, is meaningful, and makes a positive difference in the lives of others.

Damian Bacchoo


Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

It is very rare that people tell me that they are not working hard, and let’s face it, no one wants to hear that either.

Every time I go through the airport, I’m one of those people who goes into the bookstore to buy a book, which drives my family mad as they can not understand

  1. why didn’t I just pack a book and
  2. why do books cost so much more at the airport?


…particularly when I’m off on holiday, I am drawn to certain types of books: ones that tell me how not to work hard. Here are the last four I’ve picked up:

I love these books as they are not about quiet quitting, a subject that really irritates me, but are about perspectives on hard work. They are the types of books that remind us that life is more important than work.



Damian Bacchoo

I’m Damian, a high school principal, and occasional blogger with interests in leadership, culture, wellbeing, mental health, and Star Wars!