Why We’ll Never Defeat the Other Side of the Light

In the game of darkness versus light, we need something to fight.

Ryan Frawley
Published in
5 min readJun 14, 2020


Photo by author.

It keeps happening.

Injustice and inequality. Murder and mayhem. The sufferings of the world splashed across every glowing screen, while a thousand divisive voices fight for bloodied scraps of attention.

It’s a turbulent time. But all times are turbulent. And in troubled times, you want to pick sides. You want to be on the right side. Especially when the other side is so clearly callous and cold and cruel.

But this is no grand battle of good versus evil, light versus darkness. We are not the chiseled heroes we see on our movie screens. This is a game we play, and like all good games, we need to take it seriously. But not so seriously that we forget who and what we really are.

Knowing how the trick works doesn’t stop it from working.

It happens anywhere with a strong sun and a clear sea and a low cave with an entrance just above the waterline. The bright ethereal blue of the water, where boats seem to float on a carpet of liquefied jewels, is never less than magical. The boatmen who work here, rowing tourists in and out of the cave’s small entrance, sing in the echoing…



Ryan Frawley

Novelist. Essayist. Former entomologist. Now a full-time writer exploring travel, art, philosophy, psychology, and science. www.ryanfrawley.com