Why Women Cheat

I know, because I did it.

Em Unravelling


Photo by Riccardo Mion on Unsplash

I mean, I don’t know why all women cheat. But I know why I did. And it had nothing to do with my husband.

I didn’t know myself as well as I thought I did.

I was a teenage mother, and sometimes I think that when I got pregnant at 17 I pressed pause on every other part of my brain. I think that I was on some kind of autopilot through the studying and the parenting and the first years of being married. Not that I wasn’t present, not that I didn’t enjoy my life, not that I wasn’t aware of its privilege and of my own good fortune. Just that I had so little time really to think. This is, I know, common to all parents, but in my case I hadn’t had a life to know or miss before my identity as a mother took over. I went into adulthood blind and when I finally had any time to sit back and look at who I was, I was already ten years older than my brain felt I should be.

I met my husband when I was 21, and I already had a toddler. So my husband and I, we didn’t get to have dates, or weekends away, or lazy lie-ins with newspapers and croissants. We went straight into a full-throttle family life and pretty soon, we had a couple more babies. It was a chaotic, skint, lovely time, but I didn’t have any time to think about anything beyond the day to day.



Em Unravelling

Lover of words, books, hiking, nature and big skies. Running is my favourite thing (after the words & the books). As feisty as I need to be.