Why Women May Be Better Leaders: Harnessing the Power of Weaponized Incompetence and Forced Emotional Labor

L. N.
Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2023


Is This Why They Are Taking Our Rights Away?

Photo by Olga Zabegina on Unsplash

Disclaimer: The general terms used in this article are for simplification purposes and do not represent all men or women. Individual differences and unique experiences should be acknowledged and respected.

I’m sure I’m going to ruffle your feathers…

In a world where leadership is often equated with assertiveness and dominance, the unique qualities possessed by women are often overlooked or undervalued.

We aim to shed light on how women’s experiences with weaponized incompetence and forced emotional labor can actually mold them into exceptional leaders.

By exploring women’s ability to anticipate the needs of others, create safe environments, and read emotions, we uncover five key leadership skills that society often disregards.

1. Anticipating the Needs of Others

Women, due to their socialization and nurturing roles, tend to develop a heightened ability to anticipate the needs of those around them.

This skill is honed through years of experience and plays a crucial role in effective leadership. By intuitively…



L. N.

Podcast Host & Author for narcissistic abuse survivors, author of Master Manipulators, Avid Traveler. Learn More: https://linktr.ee/lynnnichols