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Work-Life Balance | Live | Health | Happiness | Trust

Why Work-Life Balance Is a Myth.

Published in
9 min readJul 23, 2020


How would you describe your life, if you were to completely exclude your work-life from it? Is that even possible? I dare say: no.

When I think about a normal week of my life as an adult and parent, I cannot exclude work. In fact, through work, I’ve met and got to know many of the people I love and connect with. So how can that not be part of my life? I understand that “balance” does not mean to completely exclude one part and below I describe why I still think this concept is wrong, nonsense, and misleading above all.

Dare To Say No

Sure, work has limits. But so do all other parts of my life as well. I don’t work on weekends, because I need time for myself, my family, my children, and my friends. The same is true for my kids: I don’t give up my own life for my kids, because that would be teaching them the wrong thing: to give up oneself for others.

At times it is right to put yourself behind the needs of others. What happens though when you do…




individual curious human ✍️ writes about life lessons and IT topics 💡 learning every day 👩‍💻 works as catalyst in startups