Why workouts in the morning are incredibly life-changing

Ever since I started doing morning workouts, my productivity has gone up significantly

Udit Gupta
2 min readJul 6, 2020


Getting out of bed has always been a struggle. Getting out of bed to work out is even more of a battle. I’ve found that working out in the morning gets me started for the day. It provides me with an accomplishment early in the day, which drives me to keep achieving more throughout the day. Instead of laying in bed for an extra half an hour and feeling groggy to start the day, workouts have given me a natural boost to the day.

Endorphins kicking in early in the day makes me feel good about myself. It wakes me up without the need for tea or coffee. It motivates me to eat a healthy breakfast so that the workout I’ve just done isn’t a waste. Like that, one thing leads to another. I find myself getting a lot more work done during the day. Most importantly, it helps me sleep exceptionally well at night. I’m tired after a long productive day and the morning workout helps to get a good night’s sleep.

I’ve always done workouts in the evening. Many times by the time evening approaches, I become too lazy or occupied with other things to do. Doing a morning workout helps to get it done early in the day. That way, I can keep the rest of the day for whatever plans I may have. It gives me greater flexibility because I know I’ve already done my workout for the day instead of scrambling back home or rushing through a project to fit in a workout.

Morning workouts have changed my life for the better. It’s worth a try because it will redefine your days in ways that you could not imagine.



Udit Gupta

Medical student | Future doctor | Writer for ILLUMINATION | Passionate about writing | I want to make the world a better place.