Why Would Anyone Read Your Book?

Dean Gee
Published in
4 min readMay 15, 2024


Here are some marketing tips.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Why would people buy your book?

Research tells us that most people buy books based on what interests them, not sure why that needed to be researched. I would have thought that was just a brute fact.

Readers go with what they know. If they like a particular author, they are more likely to seek more of their books. That’s obvious.

The challenge then is for new authors trying to break into the market, what can new authors do?

Tips on book marketing fundamentals.

My whole career has been in various corporate multinationals, from assistant brand manager to my current position as marketing director.

Marketing always made sense to me, but marketing is also one of the greatest challenges for most companies and solopreneurs.

You can write the best book in the world, but if nobody knows about it, or you don’t reach those most likely to buy it, then you may as well have not written it.

Need Fulfilment

Anything that sells anywhere is fulfilling a need. That is the basic foundation of any business activity.



Dean Gee

Corporate Director, writing about health, weird phenomena, leadership, good ideas, in Data Driven Investor,Illumination.