Why Would Anyone Want to Write with AI?

Just how lazy are we becoming?

Brian Lamacraft


Photo by Zhang Kenny on Unsplash

We live in a world where our treasured creative process is slowly being eroded. We now have AI drawing pictures, writing words, and making music. We live in the era of machines slowly taking over the background without us even realizing it.

AI seems crude now until it isn’t. Our computers once filled entire rooms and could only do basic tasks. They required a lot of human input to make them do much of anything, Now they’re lighting fast and get faster with each new model.

In only a few short years, AI writing bots have grown in popularity, and each new version improves. Of course, these tools aren’t as good as human writers. This is because the technology is not quite there yet, but it will get there.

AI and Writing

All the writing before AI was written by a human. All our books, manuscripts, technical readouts, manuals, and so on were written by human fingers typing on keyboards or old typewriters.

Today, human writers are slowly being replaced by AI, yet we don’t see the danger of this technology. What does it mean for the human spirit and creative mind down the road?



Brian Lamacraft

Brian is an online writer and blogger. In his spare time, he plays guitar and goes camping.