Why Writing is More Than a Hobby

Maybe you don't need to find your purpose — just find what satisfies your soul.

George Blue Kelly
Published in
3 min readFeb 16, 2021


Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

I got up this morning with no desire to go to work. This is a recurring feeling that I don’t know what to do with it.

It could be the same emotional displeasure that pushes me to seek financial independence.

But however, at this point, I have no choice. I got bills to take care of. So, therefore, I got to get out and do some hard labour.

Tentatively I dragged myself out of bed and out of the house. Getting to work, I geared up and went straight to work. Just like every other day, I did my bit, covered my shift, and closed for the day.

But something happened though — I almost lost a finger due to my stupidness.

I had to split two planks which I could simply have done by using the motor saw. But my foolish Kyle XY kicked in. I decided to Dwayne Johnson my way through the planks. Before I could say, Jack Robinson, they gave in and clapped my fingers with brute force. I cringed and tear in silence. I couldn’t scream out, but inwardly — I was raging.

Thankfully, I ended up with just a blister, I’m sure I’ve learned my lesson.



George Blue Kelly

True stories of an immigrant from the shores of Sicily