Why You Need to be Appreciating 2023 Instead of Preparing for 2024

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3 min readDec 30, 2023
Image from Freepik

Nowadays, writing down your new year’s resolutions has become the new trend. Social media has impacted us to the point where we find ourselves having the exact same resolutions as the other 8 billion people. Everyone wants to become a morning person, wake up at 5, go to the gym, eat healthily, track their finances, read 30 books, save more money, lose weight, et cetera.

This trendy phenomenon has resulted in us imitating each other without further looking into what we already have and what we need to work for, what suits us and what brings us no value.

Each year, we grab our journals and search for the most unrealistic things to do next year in order to feel successful, then call them “resolutions.” But we never do, since we are always craving more, to the extent that we don’t take the time needed to pause and appreciate what we’ve done already.

Celebration is not only valid when we accomplish something big, so let this year be yours to learn to celebrate small things;

Celebrate healing from a hurtful breakup.

Celebrate fighting fiercely against a terrible illness.

Celebrate getting back to life after the loss of a dear one.

Celebrate stepping out of your house after months of social isolation.

Celebrate moving miles away from home to chase your dreams.

Celebrate having the courage to speak up your voice.

Celebrate breaking a cycle of violence.

Celebrate having the audacity to end a toxic relationship.

Celebrate daring to say no.

Celebrate leaving a group of friends that has no added value to your being.

Celebrate everything and anything, because every minute of your existence is worth celebrating. Don’t let your sense of accomplishment rely on others’ validation. Fulfillment is not only graduating after years of studies or earning tons of money after years of saving. Fulfillment can be acknowledged instantly; when you wake up so sick and still go to the gym, when you struggle alone and still manage to take care of yourself, when you get hurt and still give love another chance…

Milestones are not measured by their volume but by the impact they create on us. Milestones can be something that the eyes don’t see, yet the whole body can feel. Milestones can be insignificant to others yet so huge to us.

“New year, new me” is the new motto these days, but doesn’t that set you up for failure before even starting? If your ultimate new year goal is to be a new you, doesn’t that mean that you failed all the past years? Instead of focusing on being a “new you”, doesn’t it make more sense to put all your effort into becoming an “updated version of the old you”?

Image by rtveli97 on Pinterest

I believe that the right mindset is to create a continuous path of evolution from year to year. You can continue working on 2023’s goals while leveraging 2024’s new resources. You can still solve 2023’s problems while looking at them through 2024’s lenses. And you can also keep your effective 2023 habits while adding new healthy ones to your 2024 list.

Resolutions may be a good motivator to push you towards realizing more every year and a spring that makes you bounce. Meanwhile, appreciation is a conducting wire in your circuit of life that helps you move forward with steady steps and a pragmatic approach through life. What you need is not to bounce back and forth but to move slowly forward and never backward.

So, rather than hankering for a radical change, devote yourself to introducing small improvements every day, regardless of what year it is. And, bear in mind that each tiny change is a call to celebration. Because a date is just a number, and whatever you do matters. Whether it’s 2023 or 2024, just keep going!

Thank you for reading.
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