why you should build a keystone habit

world breaker
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2021

First, what is a keystone habit, and why should you build one? A keystone habit is a habit that leads to other habits improving your overall quality of life. The majority of what you do every day is a habit look at your morning routine. How many times have you repeated that process? Keystone habits leak into the rest of your life, leaving you a happier and more productive person. Listed below are three powerful keystone habits and the reasons why you should build them.

unsplash photo by Aziz Acharki

Exercise, This one should go without saying that people in good or decent shape are much happier than those who get winded up walking upstairs. There are many shows where someone whos out of shape gets in shape. You will never see them saying they were happier when they were overweight.

Reading, almost all successful people are readers. Studies have shown that reading three books on a subject makes you more knowledgeable than 90 percent of people on that subject. Reading is all around an excellent habit to start.

Meditation, There are many benefits to meditation as well. There have been many studies on the subject, that’s why I urge you to do your own research. Here are just a few benefits meditation allows you to focus more. You are more relaxed. There are many more benefits. I hope this has helped you now live your best life.

