Why You Should Keep Writing

Yewande Ade
Published in
5 min readDec 7, 2020


Even when it feels like no one is reading …

Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

Whether we admit it or not, we humans always want validation and appreciation.

The mere fact that someone else loves our work and lets us know is enough reason to make us push harder. Feeling that our work is good enough leaves us wanting more recognition to the extent that we never want compliments to stop coming.

However, what happens when the recognition and growth we crave isn’t forthcoming?

Now imagine this: you have toiled for hours, writing from page to page. Editing, adding, subtracting, reforming and trying to get your writing sample in top form. Then you post it. One hour, two hours, twenty-four hours later ….10likes, little or no comments, no shares, no new followers, minimal views…nothing.

Then you begin to question your competency and originality. Why don’t people like my work this time? What could be wrong? Why isn’t this article getting as much attention as the last one?

Sometimes, writing comes with unexpected twists and turns. The advent of technology and the piercing eyes of social media have further increased the need for validation. This is because we are only a click away from being seen by the world.

There are too many opinions on what perfection is. Hence, we constantly strive…

