Why You Should Know About the Uncanny Valley

If you want your creative efforts to succeed



Photo by Tapio Haaja on Unsplash

The Uncanny Valley.

(Cue — an eerily soothing flute music in the background).

A mysterious place at the edge of the earth inhabited by strange beings, who live within the walls of the self-sustaining utopian valley, hidden from the prying eyes of civilization.

Sounds like something straight out of a Sci-Fi Hollywood movie, doesn’t it?

Well, if you do know what uncanny valley really is and a movie does use this phenomenon, you may probably be better off skipping it.

So what is this strange phenomenon?

And why should all creatives know and understand it to succeed?

Let’s find out more!

What is the uncanny valley?

The uncanny valley is a hypothesized negative emotional response to an object that almost resembles a human bieng.

It’s used to describe the feeling of revulsion some people experience when interacting with artificial entities that imperfectly resemble actual humans.




In pursuit of convergence between creativity and logic | Storyteller | Traveler | Data Scientist | https://www.linkedin.com/in/krupesh-raikar