Why You Should NEVER Tell Anyone What You Are Up To

Inderveer Singh
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2022

Rich people observe, learn and move in silence. Most of the time, poor people think they know it all and they want to scream their opinion at the top of their lungs, you know I’ve noticed this to be huge especially rich people like they move in silence.

Now that doesn’t mean they’re private. That rich people that doesn’t mean that they’re secretive or they’re private or although hide everything.

Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

It just means that they spend more time doing it rather than talking about it.

Look we all know that one person who puts on Instagram big things coming but they never actually do it we all know those people who get more validation and and more fulfillment from posting about doing it and living sort of this fake lifestyle than actually just doing it. and if they ever post about something they’re not posting about it’s not them showing off it’s just their life because they work to get there you know.

As I said I chuckle a lot when people are like watch the of space big things coming as I said you know you if someone asks you a relevant question about what’s going on in your life or is intrigued you don’t need to be private or secretive it just means that

Spend much much more time doing the thing rather than talking about doing the thing.

Aside from that rich people aren’t usually married to their opinions they can change because they’re constantly learning they’re getting different perspective they’re getting opposing perspectives and as I said they’re willing to change their opinion if need be poor people from what I’ve noticed are kind of just a bull in a china shop they want to shove their opinion down your throat and they think they’re right.

All the time now please keep in mind that this is a hundred percent a generalization and when I’m talking about rich people I’m talking about self-made rich people you know this definitely doesn’t apply as much to uh people who come from money coming from someone who is new money but surrounded by a lot of old money.

I can tell you that old money are just to be very honest most of the times insufferable sometimes they’re the most stuck in their ways and the most formally educated but so uneducated about what’s going on in the world.



Inderveer Singh

I love to share my knowledge that i have gained over the years so, I am here. Just wanna help out some of you 😊.