Why You Should Spend Some Time in a Third-World Country

It provides perspective on what’s most valued in developing parts of the world

Jim Farina


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It’s been a few years since I’ve traveled outside the U.S. It’s especially during January and February when I start thinking of my trips to Mexico, Haiti, and Guatemala. It’s around this time of year when short-term mission teams were scheduled.

It’s a welcome change of climate and a brief respite from harsh Illinois’ winter. It’s also getting me out of my comfort zone while doing something to help better the situation in these places where there’s little provision and few resources. It also gives me something to write about today.

It’s a privilege to visit these countries, not as a tourist, but as part of a mission team. This opportunity came through church and non-denominational Christian groups I was fortunate to get connected with.

Our team focuses on building and maintenance projects, preparing and planting vegetable gardens, clothing, supplies distribution, and administering anti-parasite meds to surrounding small villages from our base in a small central village.

These organizations have a long-time history in these countries. With Asstruc, Haiti, teams have been serving for more than thirty years while partnering…

