Why You Should Stop Being Realistic

And start living in the magical wonderland

Domagoj Lalk Vidovic


Photo by kelvin octa from Pexels

How many times has this happened to you?

A wonderful idea appears in your mind; you enthusiastically present it to someone.

“Be realistic” — they say to you.

It’s not their fault; rather a social issue in general. But you, as an individual, have the power to break the mass patterns.

Let everyone else be realistic; and you — live in that magical, unrealistic world.

Who Wasn’t Realistic?

You’re probably reading this article on your powerful laptop or smartphone.

Were the founders of those companies realistic?

Were the people behind anything you use every day — realistic?

This might be moonshots, and you don’t have to become another Steve Jobs.

But how about YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram starts you follow?

What about people who created financial independence through online businesses?

They didn’t create something gigantic like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos.

But they live the life of their dreams because they do what they love, have freedom, and earn just a few thousand dollars…



Domagoj Lalk Vidovic

CTO & Co-Founder of Sparroww. Owner of @tech_wizzdom. Sharing my thoughts on a journey to become the best version of myself