taking action

Why you shouldn’t delay your dreams

How you can avoid or embrace regret

Alexander Debruyne


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Have you ever felt regret for not doing something? Or that you made a wrong decision in life? I think everyone has, and that feeling just does not feel nice. In this article, I will give a few tips on how to embrace or totally avoid this feeling.

Seeing the positives

A lot of people overthink about what they could’ve done better in the past, but they should rather be thinking about what they could do better in the future. And seeing the positives in the decisions they made.

It’s important to learn from your mistakes so you won’t make them again. Regret helps you with this; it makes sure you learn something from the experience. But make sure you don’t stay in regret for too long, because this can cause you to make wrong decisions again and then you get stuck in a loop.

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Learning from your mistakes is one of the most important things in life. So when you make a wrong decision, you should view it as a positive thing that you can learn from.

Not starting your dream

If you don’t want to feel regret, the best thing is to take action. You might be scared you will make the wrong decision, but whatever you do, you will learn from it, as I told you earlier.

If you want to learn more about how to achieve a goal or dream, I wrote an article to help you with this:

A few weeks ago, I started following a course to become a ski teacher, and someone came up to me and said, “I wish I had done this when I was your age.” They were around 35 years old. This was just a personal example of when people regret not doing something earlier.

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But what you need to remember is that it’s never too late to start building your dream. So it doesn’t matter at what age you start. But when you start young, you will have much more time, and when you make a mistake or fail, you will have enough time to try again.

Thanks for reading my story.

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Have a nice day and stay positive! 🤗



Alexander Debruyne

Just a young guy trying to spread advice and positivity