Why You Shouldn’t Get a Cockatiel for Your Kid

By someone who got a cockatiel for her 14th birthday.

Alexa Baczak


This morning, I had to put off writing because my bird Ziggy pooed in her food bowl and masturbated in it overnight.

You read that right. Spring is here, baby. We had an April shower a day early this morning.

I’m pretty sure I can end the article here, actually. I’ve already answered the question.

Author photo. Ziggy is in front. Leo is behind her.

But in case you’re still thinking about it, I wasn’t interested in birds until my dad wouldn’t let me get a dog, so I got Leo on my 14th birthday.

Leo has anxiety, and when I was 14, I didn’t even know a bird could have anxiety. Parents gave Leo up after their kid lost interest in him, and he ended up with another kid who didn’t know what she was doing. That said, I adored him and still do. I never got bored with him. I just wasn’t very good at taking care of him.

I went to college, and Leo was devastated. His plucking got worse and spread to his neck. When I got him back after graduation, I was severely depressed and could barely take care of myself. Leo saved my life. He is now almost 16, and healthier than he’s ever been. You can’t tell he’s an older bird, and besides his plucking, the vet gave him a clean bill of health.

