Why You Shouldn’t Go Grocery Shopping When You’re Hungry

How hunger affects your decisions when you go shopping

Jay Chatwani
2 min readFeb 11, 2024


Photo by Liuba Bilyk on Unsplash

Why does it matter if you’re hungry or not when you go grocery shopping?

Just For Now

Hungry people tend to satisfy their immediate cravings rather than trying to fulfill their actual needs.

Studies show when you go shopping with an empty stomach, you’ll be making decisions based on your current temptations and not for the week ahead.

So you might end up purchasing more ready-to-eat food and your plan for meal prepping will go down the drain.

Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash

A Bite of Everything

People have their personal standards for a product and they judge brands based on those parameters to choose one that satisfies their needs.

For example, I prefer a particular brand of tofu which I personally find more tasty and comes in a small package that suits my needs.

If I'd gone into the refrigerated produce aisle hungry, I'd be more tempted to look for a change in brand or variety even though I absolutely don’t need it.

Hunger Increases Variety Beeking Behavior

I am not saying change is a bad thing but you will be searching for alternative products or brands, even if you are satisfied with your current choice.

Will you end up spending more?

There are some studies showing that you aren’t likely to spend more after having a meal; hunger just affects your decisions while shopping.

At last, I’d like to make one thing clear, I am not trying to make a villain out of Hunger.

Staying hungry in case of intermittent fasting or for any health reasons is very beneficial.

In fact, I’d talked about how being hungry can help you live longer.

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