Why you won’t be building muscle? Avoid these common mistakes

Nitesh More
Published in
4 min readApr 22, 2023
Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

It might be really discouraging if you’ve been trying to gain muscle for a while but just aren’t seeing any results.

You are exercising consistently, eating healthily, and following all other required procedures, yet you are still not experiencing the desired results.

What’s happening, then?

Here are some potential explanations for why you might be struggling to gain muscle.

#1.Lack of Consistency

People frequently fail to gain muscle for the simple reason that they are inconsistent with their workout routines.

If you don't consistently attend to the gym and put in the work, you won't see the results you want when it comes to building muscle.

Make sure you're pushing yourself with each workout session and sticking to a regular workout plan.

#2.Progression-Free Overload

The idea behind progressive overload is to steadily increase the stress put on your muscles over time to keep making gains.

You won't get the outcomes you seek if you don't gradually stress your muscles.

To continue pushing your muscles, make sure you gradually increase the weight, reps, or sets you perform.

#3.Lack of Nutrition

It takes a lot of hard-work and energy to build muscle, so you won't see the results, if you don't properly fuel your body.

To encourage muscle growth, make sure you consume enough calories, protein, and healthy fats. To maximise your ability to gain muscle, make sure you eat the proper nutrients at the right times.


Although maintaining consistency is important, it is easy to go too far. Your ability to gain muscle may be hampered if you push yourself too hard and don't give your body enough time to recover.

Make sure you give your body enough relaxation between workouts so it can rest and heal.

#5.Lack of sleep

When it comes to developing muscle, sleep is crucial. Your body releases growth hormone when you sleep, which is necessary for muscle growth and repair.

You won't experience the desired results if you don't get enough sleep. To assist your efforts to gain muscle, make sure you receive at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night.


Even though it's not a common response, genetics can affect how simple or tough it is for you to gain muscle.

Some folks are just prone than others to gain muscle organically. It does not mean you will not gain muscle, but you might need to put in more effort and wait for longer to see the desired results.

There is no secret to gaining muscle quickly, but there are some techniques and advice that can help you achieve your muscle-building goals.

Here are some pointers for quick muscular growth.

#1.Prioritise compound exercises

Compound exercises, such squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and pull-ups, engage several muscular groups simultaneously.

These workouts are more efficient at increasing muscle mass than one-muscle-at-a-time isolation exercises.

Compound exercises will help you achieve more progress by stimulating more muscle fibres during your sessions.

#2.Heavy Lifting

You must put your muscles through stress by lifting large weights if you want to gain muscle.

Lift weights that will be difficult to complete your final few reps. Gains in strength and muscle mass will be stimulated by this.

#3.Consume more protein

In order to build and repair muscles, you need protein. Plan to consume 1 gramme of protein or more per pound of body weight each day.

Your body will receive the building blocks it needs to develop and repair muscle tissue as a result.

#4.Consume Enough Calories

It's necessary to consume enough calories to support your muscle-building goals because developing muscle demands energy.

To ensure you are getting enough calories to grow muscle, aim to eat at least 500 calories more per day than your maintenance level.

#5.Relax and heal

Give your body adequate time to recover in between sessions because muscle growth happens during rest and recovery.

Be sure to get sufficient sleep each night and at least one day off between strength training sessions.

#6.Be consistent

Building muscle is a slow process that takes time and regular effort.

Maintain your nutrition and recovery schedule while attempting to strength train at least three times each week.

Over time, if you work hard and consistently, you'll start to notice results.

Conclusion, developing muscle is a challenging process that demands consistency, a healthy diet, gradual overload, enough rest and recovery, and a little bit of patience.

Examine these potential causes if you're having trouble gaining muscle to determine if you can make any changes.

Remember that gaining muscle requires time and effort, but with the appropriate strategy, you will be successful.



Nitesh More

Hey, I am 25 year old writer who is passionate about health and fitness, as well as personality development. Writer at Illumination