Why Your Boss Tolerates Bad Employees and What Can You Do About It?

This is more common than you think

Ana Writes
Published in
3 min readSep 17, 2022


Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash

I’ve worked many jobs. In small businesses and big corporations, state and privately owned.

I’ve had such luck (or lack of it) that at each of these jobs, I had a coworker that was slacking and keeping the team behind. In some cases, that person was almost toxic.

I’m talking about employees that are doing poor overall performance, miss important deadlines, and never take ownership or assume responsibility for important tasks.

These employees are usually not responsive to coaching or guidance, they resist change. Worst case scenario, they create conflict in the team and contribute to a tense and stressful working environment.

What is it all about?

Is there a culture of tolerating bad employees that I’m not aware of?

Is it just my bad luck to work in these kinds of teams or is this common in all jobs?

After discussing it with friends and colleagues, and doing research over the internet I’ve found that I wasn’t the only one in such a situation. People are complaining about it all the time.

Keeping a blind eye to



Ana Writes

Dedicated to continuous Self Improvement. I write about Money, Self-Improvement, Books, Family, and Life in general.