Why Your Children Become Ungodly, Because of A Single Trait You Possess

God'sgift Oghale Amos
Published in
4 min readJun 21, 2023

It is your fault as parents when you get paranoid about your children attitudes and characters. Yes! Your fault, you had say how? But you did it because of a trait you never noticed. Perhaps, others told you but you waved it away.

Photo by Jan Canty on Unsplash

Most parents and Guardians unintentionally portray attitudes, behaviors and characters which only their children see and learn. When cautioned they always see it as never important. Thinking their children never cared or see them. Some even believe, since we are humans we all have weak points. Which I welcome. However, as a mother or father who had children their are some certain things you hide from your children. That destroy them!

Sometime ago, I once come across a certain parents who complained about their children attitudes and characters.
How the once good, obedient children started changing. They complain about changing their friends in school which they did and began secretly following them, thus they never found anything. So with thorough findings it was later displayed in front of the parents how so many things they take for granted, how their undisciplined ways affected the children attitudes as they grow.

Remember, children learn from your actions not with so many words and shouting. Not with so many rules but what they see in you. Period!

As a child I too suffered from that too. Listen, so many parents forget that they owe their children real life disciplinary actions, to be seen by all.

Photo by Suzi Kim on Unsplash

So how do many children become Ungodly:

1) So many parents are undisciplined:

Hello mum and dad your undisciplined. You take everything granted. Your lazy, complaining a lot. Your room is untidy, you don't watch your bathroom, you don't cook, you wake up late, you don't have priority, you watch movies for hours a day, you throw dirty anywhere,you look for cleaners and can't do it yourself, you always get tired, the garden outside looks so mess up, you come home drunk and drink a lot, you shout always and oh my God the list continues. You not just discipline and you forget we watch at you silently. We get disappointed and unknown to us too we become like you and you feel sad and disappointed too,like everyone. Hello mum and dad, the truth is we learnt it from you, not any one outside. Just look at yourself and find them. Simple!

Read also: How To Beat and Flog Your Parents Without Abusing Them

2) Hi Dad and Mum You Lie:

Yes! Most parents lie in front of their children and tell them not to do so. What sort of advice is that? Well is the truth, they tell the children is a sin and not a good attitude From a good child. Anyways our parents do it. Is in their trait deep down and they regret it and can't fight it. Yeah!

3) Hello, Our Parents Friends Say it ALL.

Friends too. Yes! Our dad tells us not to hang with bad friends but their friends says otherwise. I can't believe this but it happens every day and time. They drink,smoke, and do all sorts of things and still complain about my own friends. Let me say it, we children won't take it. Sorry, mum and dad, it hurts. Still we see you and you don't practice what you teach us.

4)Our Parents Cheat:

Dad and Mum take the Short cuts and tell us not to do so. They cheat others and life. They copy during exams and tell us is not good. They always look for the easy roots for money and wealth. You surprise! Don't be and we see you all. Our eyes are like electron microscopes.

5)Our Parents Are VERY PROUD:

Teaching us to be humble is good but we don't see it in you. You tell us about being humble and we see you say, "King can't be the one to teach me about money...", you proud and that's final.

6)You Keep Enemies and Make uncomfortable comments:

Dad says all kinds of things and don't think about it. Mum always have many enemies and tell us not to play with Mr. Patrick and his Children. Mum don't even greet her anymore and we don't know the reasons.

7) You Command Rules You Can't Keep:

Always rules. New ones at that but Mum and Dad don't keep any. Sometimes they even forget they once said it. It hurts!

8)They Don’t have Time For Us:

Always work, work and busy, busy. Dad don't have time for us. But his friends,Yes! His work yes. But us,No! Busy all the time chasing money. And I don't care anymore. Let him keep doing it, besides I have my own friends too.

9) And oh, Our Parents Compare Us:

That's enough, always Benny this and Ib that. I'm fucking tired. Benny his a good boy,he always read his books,he respects every one. He's a good child. For the last time and God's sake can we talk about us. Always my friends across the street and at school. You don't even know them well as I do. Please stop the comparison and talk to us like Friends.

Although there are many more, these are the traits more Common with hour parents. As child I'll keep updating it.

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God'sgift Oghale Amos

I am a simple "Parent Expert Doctor"...to me is all about Parenting+Family+Life+Tech+Children+Philosophy+Entrepreneur(ship)....+God!