Why Your failure is part of success in Life?

“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.”

Arsalan Haroon
4 min readNov 23, 2020


“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”

— Albert Einstein

Why we face failure in life? is it good or bad? well, I can give you all the answers about why failure is part of success in Life?

There are most of the people in the world that think failure is a bad thing because their environment teaches them that you never fail in your exams you never fail in business you Become a failure in life.

But failure happened with every human being But the most important thing is how you deal with Your failure.

If you fail in something and think you are a failure, then you are a failure because if you believe that you are a failure, then you become a failure but the one who fails but thinks this failure is part of success in Life.

Then they are the person who really succeed in life no mattered how much they fail in Life. They always have more energy creativity that will lead them to success.

But the first and for most question people ask who want to become a person that think failure is part of success in life but they always have some question.

So let's answer some of their questions. so they become a person that will give 100 Percent in life or work no matter how many failures in life you face.

“I have not failed. I have found 10,000 ways that don’t work.”

Thomas Edison

Why we face failure in life?

So this question is crucial that most of the person ask who don't know why we face failure in life, and this will become part of success in life.

People think just success in life is essential but they don't know failure is also a part of success in life. if you want to become a successful person sometimes you need to go through a failure because if you don't fail, you don't really know what success is.

The person who gets success with no failure then this person will never understand the true value of the success they always regret in their life.

“Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.”

— Truman Capote

Because they don't know the meaning of success in life instead of the person who fails many times But they don't see themself as a failure they know that this is part of their journey, and they become successful, but they know the true value of success in life.

They face failure in life so think about the person who gets success with no failure and the person who gets success with so many failures who know the true value of success? who are more grateful for their success?

The person who fails most right because they face failure they face so many difficulties, but still they worked for it, this person is the one who really changes the world with his abilities and always grateful for their success. Because failure is part of success in their Life.

So let's learn if you face failure then what you need to do? so you become a successful person in life.

“Failure happens all the time. It happens every day in practice. What makes you better is how you react to it.”

― Mia Hamm

Learn from your Failure

If you don’t learn from your failure you always make the same mistake that you do it in past. so always learn from your failure so you don’t make the same mistakes and try different things so you can get success.

Because not always one plan work so always try different things and if you fail on them take some time and think why you fail? if you get the answer then don’t repeat the same mistakes in your work and keep doing it never give up until you become successful.

Is it good or bad?

Well, failure is both,

(A) If you fail and never learn from your failure and making the same mistakes on and on and thinking that you are a failure then yes it is bad.

(B) But if you have a failure in life and you know why you fail. so you can never do this mistake again and try different things and keep failing and learning from your failure until you succeed.

This you're option what you choose. what you want to become But as always everyone wants to become an option (B). But people never work for it. I know it's tough but tough times make great leaders.


Failure is part of success in our life but unfortunately, our society doesn't know that so they try to teach you the wrong belief that you never fail in something you always want to succeed.

But no sometimes you need to fail to learn from it and understand the true value of something. failure is part of success in life so instead of worrying about your failure.

Just think about why you fail and learn a lesson from it or just keep trying until you achieve your success in life.

“Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.”

— Oprah Winfrey

