Why Your Website Needs Internal Linking: Discover the Surprising Benefits

How to use Internal Links to Guide Your Readers and Boost your SEO

Alexa Velinxs


woman laying down on the ground.
Photo by James Forbe

Hey there, content creators! Alexa here, and I’m thrilled to dive into one of my favorite topics: internal linking. As a content strategist and SEO expert, I’ve seen the incredible impact that effective internal linking can have on a website’s performance. In fact, just last month, I helped a client boost their organic traffic by 15% simply by implementing a smart internal linking strategy.

Today I’ll walk you through the ins and outs of internal linking, sharing my best practices and insider tips to help you master this essential skill. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, you’ll learn how to use internal linking to improve your SEO, keep readers engaged, and even rank your medium articles higher on Google.

The Benefits of Internal Linking

Now you might be wondering, “Alexa, why is internal linking so important?” Well, let me tell you, internal linking is a true powerhouse when it comes to optimizing your website. Here are just a few of the incredible benefits:

  1. Helps search engines understand your website’s structure and content hierarchy:
    When you create internal links…

