Why You’re an Expert.

Leverage your unique skills and knowledge to make an impact in the business world

Career Escape Artist
3 min readMay 23, 2023


Photo by Edwin Andrade on Unsplash

Recognizing Your Expertise

A few months ago, I got fed up with people claiming to be experts. After I’d read the summary pages of a few “passive income” courses, suddenly all the ads served to me were about online course X, Y, and Z. (So then I thought maybe the real advice was to build an online course!)

But then I realized that anybody can be an expert.


We often associate the word “expert” with someone who has a PhD or decades of experience in a particular field. Those people certainly qualify, but there’s a broader, more inclusive definition of expertise. An expert, in the true sense, is anyone with unique insights, skills, or knowledge gained from direct involvement in a particular field. It doesn’t necessarily require formal education or decades of experience. What it does require, however, is a keen awareness and application of that expertise.

Let’s take the business world as an example. You might not realize it, but you’re already an expert in something. Can you make strategic decisions under pressure? Can you decipher complex data and make it digestible for non-technical colleagues? Can you navigate the maze of office politics without losing your sanity? These are all invaluable skills — skills that make you an expert.

Unlocking Your Expertise

So, you’ve acknowledged your unique skill set. Great! Here’s a simple, two-step guide to refine and apply this expertise effectively in your career:

1. Define Your Skills

First, you need to identify your skills. Reflect on your career journey, your roles, responsibilities, and achievements. What specific skills did you employ to navigate those experiences successfully? Perhaps you have a knack for simplifying technical jargon for your team. Or maybe you’re the person everyone relies on for strategic direction. Document these skills.

2. Demonstrate and Refine Your Skills

Showcasing your expertise is just as important as recognizing and refining it. Look for opportunities to demonstrate your skills, be it through presentations, reports, or team meetings. What area of your everyday work most needs your expert help? Maybe it’s optimizing a business strategy, improving team synergy, or simplifying a complex technical process for non-technical folks.

By using your skills and insights, you not only bring value but also cement your expert status. Monitor the impact and consider it an iterative process.

Reap the Benefits of Embracing Your Expertise

Recognizing your expert status can be a game-changer in your career journey. It boosts your self-confidence and amplifies your value proposition in the business world. Your unique insights and skills can solve problems, inspire innovation, and drive growth — and that’s something organizations greatly value.

Acknowledging your expertise opens doors to exciting new opportunities. You might be invited to lead a new project, provide training to peers, or even share your insights at an industry conference … or decide to create a course and teach others :). Each of these opportunities is a chance to further refine and enhance your expertise, creating a cycle of continuous growth and learning.

Conclusion: You’re an Expert — Now Act Like One

Start viewing yourself as an expert in your domain, not with arrogance, but with the humility of someone who is aware of their value and is willing to keep learning and growing. Even if you think your experiences are commonplace, remember that your personal interpretation and application of these experiences are not. They’re as unique as your DNA, and they’re invaluable in the business environment.

You are more knowledgeable, more skilled, and more insightful than you give yourself credit for.

Don’t shy away from the spotlight. Go out there, use your expertise to make a difference, stay curious, and let the world see the expert in you.



Career Escape Artist

The ultimate side hustle guru and exit strategy expert. Sharing strategies to build profitable secondary income streams.