Wikipedia is Rolling in Wealth. Then Why Does It Keep Asking Us For Donations?

Another case of playing the wolf in sheep’s clothing…

Diksha A


Source: Unsplash
Source: Author. One of the MANY Ads run by Wikipedia since July 2020.

Wikipedia: The world’s favorite information source

Wikipedia is synonymous with online information and has emerged as one of the most important websites on the world wide web.

My story with Wikipedia goes way back. All my school projects, college essays, curiosities and interests in unheard-of topics have been satiated by Wikipedia.

I have also contributed to Wikipedia once, I freelanced for a company which required me to prepare their founder’s profile to be put up there. I was surprised at how easy the whole process was, truly, anybody with some time could get on it to write and edit information.

The first time I heard Wikipedia asking for donations was in 2016. It went something like “if you don’t donate, we could disappear”. But I knew a website everyone relies on cannot simply disappear overnight, so I didn’t bother.

