Will Jesus Return to Earth?

The Archangels Offer Insight

Jodie Helm www.asktheangels222.com


Photo by Arturo Rey on Unsplash

I received an email from a reader today regarding his views and interpretations of the Second Coming of Christ as presented in the Bible. It was obvious the topic sparked some frustration in him, and honestly, it did in me, as well. I told him I might have to write about it, and here I am.

For me, the frustration comes from the reasons so many people await this second coming. I am not anti-religion or anti-Christian, and that’s not what this is about. I know lots of lovely Christians who have found the true meaning of Yeshua’s teachings, which always revolve around love. You see, Jesus/Yeshua is love, above and beyond anything else.

The people who frustrate me are the ones who await His return for reasons such as returning them to power or condemning others to Hell for not following “the rules.” The first reason seems pretty selfish and self-serving, while the second reminds me of the people who went to the Colosseum in ancient Rome to see gladiators kill and die for their enjoyment. Neither of these things is what Yeshua is about or what He taught.

I asked the Archangels to help me write an article about this because I didn’t want to write it in anger and frustration regarding religious zealots who don’t know what they’re talking about. They reminded me to turn toward…



Jodie Helm www.asktheangels222.com

4X Top Writer , Archangel channel, Reiki Master, Bridge. I share the messages I receive from my guides here. My only religion is Love. asktheangels222@gmail.com