Will Smith’s Slap Isn’t a Stand-Alone Incident

The widening gap between humans will collapse our civilization unless we do this

Lucien Lecarme


Photo by aniestla on Unsplash

About 70% of the headlines I read online are despair porn.

We’re too late, hell is upon us, and the meteorites are coming. We’re screwed.

It’s also a war on the ground. People are blaming, scapegoating or public shaming when they’re not busy cancelling. The new trend is a collective outrage against the newly presented enemy. And everybody else that isn’t joining the hate fest.

It’s utterly disgusting since it’s so 1984 and Lord of the Rings together. A thick grey mist obscures the view of middle-earth while our magicians in power have cast us in a never-ending war with each other.

Blaming others for our own lack of fulfilment is avoiding taking responsibility for our actions.

I do this too.

Why do we see everything as a war against something else? How childish. Wars create more problems, not solutions. And now we have a real war.

The mechanisms that set us up against each other eventually will cause real wars or simply violence between civilians. I mean, not only on a screen.



Lucien Lecarme

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