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Will The Sky Be Blue Again?: Depression And The Way Out

Okaneme Joseph
Published in
5 min readApr 17, 2023


This is the question on the minds of many people. The world has just got a way of making many feel this way. If you are caught in the web of depression and you’re pondering this same question Will The Sky Be Blue Again? Sit back for a bumpy ride through the depths of depression.

What Is Depression?

To solve a problem the first step is knowing what it is. Depression is a mental state you find yourself in after suffering from a crisis and letting over-guilt take over your mind. Yes, there is such a thing as over-guilt. You’re not always depressed because that’s not the way you were made, but a terrible event suddenly occurs and you feel like you have a hand in the situation, say an accident involving a loved one and somehow you feel like negligence on your part made you lose that person. This situation can be difficult because that event keeps replaying in your head and you keep blaming yourself for whatever happened that day/night. The guilt you feel at first is good, yes. We are humans, we are supposed to feel guilt. However, when we start blaming ourselves too much for what happened, that’s where the Over-guilt comes in. It’s okay to feel guilty but don’t let it get the best of you or it can affect every other process of the body. The mind is the Central Processing Unit of the whole human system. Now imagine if that faculty is down, the whole human would be almost useless. Depression in essence is what comes out of the mixture of Over-guilt and Self-worthlessness.

How To Detect Depression
Depression is very different from the guilt and sadness that comes say after a say break-up of a relationship or the loss of a loved one. While sadness and guilt may share similar qualities with depression there are still stark differences between them. Here are some signs and symptoms of depression

  1. While in grief and sadness, self-esteem is retained in an individual, in depression however comes the feeling of self-loathing and self-worthlessness. A guilty person feels bad for whatever may have occurred and wishes it never happened, a depressed person on the other hand loses all forms of positivity and is always surrounded by negative thinking and aura.
  2. While in grief and sadness, thoughts of suicide and rejoining a deceased beloved ( in the case of the death of a loved one) may surface because of the pain of losing such a person, however in the case of depression, the person focuses on ways to commit suicide because he/she feels worthless and valueless.
  3. Loss of interest in almost everything pleasurable is common in victims of depression, they don’t want to engage in anything that can bring joy to them because they feel they don’t even deserve to feel joy, and they most often than not withdraw into themselves, rarely leave their rooms and always keep to solitary confinement.
  4. The inability to think positively or make positive decisions plagues those that are depressed when the only things that come to their minds are negative and self-deteriorating thoughts, they find it difficult to think properly as they should.
  5. Increase in meaningless activities: This may include pacing, inability to sit still, talking to oneself aloud, and hand-wringing. Especially, when these signs are noticed by others around you.
  6. Difficulty with sleeping: As a result of these constant negative thought processes and aura, such an individual would most likely constantly have nightmares, and thus he/she can’t get enough rest.
  7. Loss of energy: They focus most of their energy on these negative thoughts and meaningless activities, these consume a lot of physical and mental energy and such a person feels drained and fatigued almost every time.

If I Am Depressed What Do I Do

I would say medications are a great help for any human faced with depression, however, the real problem is what caused depression in the first place, and that is what needs to be resolved. Therapy sessions would help and there is also work to be done on your part as the depressed, this is called self-help. There are several things to do to escape the grips of depression, here are some of them:

  1. Healthy Distractions: Try to come out of your solitary confinement as much as possible. Hang out with friends especially if you have sanguines as friends, they are one cheerful bunch of people that can help alleviate the shackles of depression
  2. Exercise regularly: It doesn’t have to be rigorous exercise, jogging would do, and other outdoor activities, yoga too if you can, anything to keep your mind from being idle, you can go for evening walks, sightseeing, anything that makes your mind wander through positive things would be of great help to your condition
  3. Talk it out: How did you get there in the first place, don’t bury the guilt and depression down in your heart and pretend to be okay, it would only worsen your condition. Look for a trustworthy friend and pour out your feelings, don’t keep it bottled up inside you, TALK!!!
  4. Take away the silent hours: Try as much as possible to eliminate every factor that makes you return to being solitary, instead go out often even if you don’t have where to go, just take a walk, look at people, observe them as they carry on with their daily lives, and try as much as possible to keep smiling, it might not help at the beginning, but in the long run, it’s going to prove to be helpful. Surround yourself with family and friends who understand your situation and are ready to help, you would be surprised how drastic your change is.
  5. Talk To God: He is one being that cares and can prove to be a good listener and father. You don’t need to go to a specific place to talk to Him, not anymore, he now lives in you. You only need to desire to talk to Him and believe that He is there with you, and He will be there, He will listen to you just pour out your heart to Him. Let Him know that you need His help to come out of depression and He will help you. Talk to Him regularly, you can talk to Him anytime, While walking, bathing, sitting, standing, anytime and anywhere

6. Don’t Miss Your Medications: If you are on medications by a health specialist, make sure you take them promptly, if you have appointments for your therapy sessions, don’t miss them, and do everything in your power to abide by the prescriptions and advice of health specialists, therapists and caring family members and friends.

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Okaneme Joseph

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