Will You Extend Your Life Through Intermittent Fasting?

Is it, or isn’t it true?

Ange Dim


Photo by Ilya Shishikhin on Unsplash

At first, many embark on the fasting journey for rapid weight and fat loss.

Many people do not realise that Intermittent fasting has a profound effect on your longevity, providing benefits above and beyond other diet plans.

Having gone through many different diets most of my life, I can say with great certainty (due to my own experience) that fasting has always been the best lifestyle choice.

It has given me the health and longevity benefits I’ve always wanted.

The health benefits of IF

The health benefits are astounding.

Mini fasts support metabolic health by improving your insulin levels & controlling body weight.

Other benefits include cardiovascular support and increased brain function.

Short term fasts are a realistic lifestyle choice and suit almost anyone’s schedule.

Prolonged fasting, on the other hand (more than 48 hours), has some fantastic…



Ange Dim

Multi-passionate creative who's immersed in health, wellness, exercise and loves creating healthy recipes. Low carb Recipes: https://bit.ly/4cHgO8r