

To be me

Brindha Venkataramani
Published in
1 min readMar 2, 2024


Picture credit: Vaiju Panchal, used with permission

Wings, I had two, to fly

But din’t know what it took to fly


Crippled and locked in my own nest

I refused to see the gift of flight, in my own chest


I was afraid to stretch and see their span

To count on my feathers, and to honour them


All it took was a great fall to the ground

From where I could no longer drown


I had to look above and see the sky

Fear not, came the reply


A leap of faith, led me to quitting my old ways

And start believing in the power of the new days


I spread my wings like a bud would blossom

Petal after petal, effortlessly, it opened


I fluttered them, in disbelief

I was high up in the air, as a gentle breeze


I was finally me, I could not hold my tears

I wondered what took me all these years!




Brindha Venkataramani

A Software professional who writes on subjects related to Happiness and well-being in general.