Ever wish you could fly away…

Wings Like a Dove

To your safe place?

Tim Maudlin
Curated Newsletters
2 min readFeb 15, 2021


Graphic by the Author, Photo by 卡晨 on Unsplash

Have you ever been so upset about something bad going on in your life that you wish you could fly away? Fly far away to somewhere safe? That’s not unusual. Around 3,000 years ago, the psalmist David felt the same way. There were a lot of bad things going on in his life.

He wished for wings like a dove so that he could fly to his safe place.

Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest. Behold, I would flee far away, I would spend my nights in the wilderness. I would hurry to my place of refuge from the stormy wind and heavy gale.
Psalm 55:6–8

Of course, that wasn’t possible for him. I guess in some respects today you could fly far away. But will that really make your troubles go away? No!

So what’s the solution? David goes on…

As for me, I shall call upon God, and the Lord will save me. Psalm 55:16

God answered him. But what about you today? David has an answer.

Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken. Psalm 55:22

In a sense, you can have wings like a dove. You can fly to a place of refuge. That place of refuge is in the…



Tim Maudlin
Curated Newsletters

Podcaster | Storyteller | Journaling Coach | Want to Declutter Your Mind? I Encourage Creativity and Soul-Searching with the Power of Pen to Paper