Wipe the Dust off Half-Finished Drafts During The 100-Day Challenge

They’ll get you through the 100-Day Writing Challenge somehow.

Julie US Writer


Duster Photo courtesy of Adobe Stock and Background Image courtesy of Pixabay ID 3844328

I’m not sure how many days we’re into the 100-Day Writing Challenge for New Writers on Illumination right now. It doesn’t matter. What matters is…

I have a 100-Day Writing Challenge plan. Do you?

What’s it going to be? I’ve got some ideas to share with you. You don’t have to listen to me — Oh how I hate unsolicited advice but love to give it!

1. Retrieve those old ideas you swore you’d finish.

Admit it. There out there somewhere on some thumb drive or SD card you have stashed in one of your workspace drawers. Or maybe you’re like me, for you sometimes leave removable storage in old laptops you now use as pedestals on unlevel floors.

Whatever the case may be, find those pieces of “unused” content that you hopefully renamed in a way you know they’re not on the Web somewhere.

2. Make sure you don’t plagiarize yourself.

I usually use Copyscape because it’s easier. I don’t know what I was thinking. I did one time buy a downloadable plagiarism checker, and I even…



Julie US Writer

Julie's face has changed over the years, but her mission is still the same.