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Wise People Hardly Reveal Any of These Little Things Out to the Public

T. A. Adam


They aren’t just genius, they hide some secrets.

Revealing your secret is like walking around naked.

No matter how well-planned you are, if others know your secrets you’d end up unnoticed. When you hide your plans and build behind other people’s eyes, the results are:

  • More amazing
  • Outstanding
  • Surprising

Several reports shows wise people are known with holding their secrets to themselves.

If you want to become more better, wiser, brilliant and productive, learn from the wise, the great people.

Here’s what wise people keep secretly to themselves:

1. Next move:

They build in the night, people wake up in the morning light and see it ‘done’.

To keep your secrets is wisdom, but to expect others to keep it is folly. — Holmes

Imagine: you’re building a project but people had already know the 89% of it. Doesn’t it sounds..... stupid?

Think about it. That’s actually what revealing your next move means.

Here’s what Steve Jobs says:

We do not say anything about our future product, we work for them in secrets and then release them to the world.

If you want to improve, learn how to hide your next move to yourself alone.

2. Fear

Fear is an invisible demon.

You can’t see it, can’t touch it, can’t hug it but you feel it. It’s not even up to a virus size... because that could be seen with some tech tools. But this..... is a tiny monster. Invisible demon.

Don’t be confused. Spare few seconds and I’ll show you how it affects your secrets.

There are two types of fear: the common and the personal fear.

The fear of losing your money, kid, spouse or wealth or job is a ‘common fear’. It’s in everybody. Nobody want to lose.

Should I show you the ‘personal fear’?

In your business, there are some certain things you may be scared of doing and other things you’re not willing to show others or tell them.

Should I break it down? Looks like you’re still confused, right?

Wise people try as much as they can to hide their fear away from the public eye. They don’t let their competitors know their greatest fear or worries.

Haters may attack you with it.

Don’t let them win! Hide your personal fear and secretly learn how to overcome it.

3. N-Behavior

Does it sounds strange?

But you look confused, wondering what’s ‘N-behavior’, right?

If you’d give me few seconds, just few.... I’ll show you more about it.

Everyone has two layers of behavior: the positive behavior and the negative.

“She’s bad-tempered!” or “She loves wearing jeans.”

The first is behavior while the second is a hobby. And they are the common types of behaviors. Good and bad.

I hate waiting! Seriously. And honestly..... years ago an incident happened:

I was worried about my bank account — there was an issue and I urgently need to resolve it.

What happened? I went to the bank.

Guess what? There were 57 people ahead of me, lined up. Damn! I had to wait all that long!

I went and started following.

I was in a haste. I looked at the floor. The ceiling. The wall. The big wall clock. Many things. I began to count the people there.

Want to know why all that? I was anxious. And to make it short, I spent my whole time of the day there, forgetting that I had a writing contest registration to attend to. It was the deadline…. I missed.

Other contestants were happy. I was sad.

Do you know why? At that time I was surrounded by deep negative behavior that distracted my attention. I should have spare some minutes to register. But that negative behavior made me forgot.

Don’t let your hidden negative behavior win over your positive behavior. It ruins your success and happiness.

All good things are born from good behavior, bad from bad.

4. Gratification

The successful people in this world are able to achieve great things because they’re able to delay gratification. — Jim Rohn

Wise people are always grateful; during tough times or brightest times.

They believe if they lose or go through tough times, it is because they’re up to something. They want to accomplish something great. And they’re grateful for that.

Are you like that? You are not. When you lose, you become angry, blame others or start complaining.

And the most surprising part of it is that most people hardly recognize this trait of gratification within wise people.

They keep it secret to themselves. Sometimes when they fail, people laugh at them or tease them. They fail but they still try an try until it happens.

After that, you come back and bow to them. You salute. When at the beginning you don’t how grateful they’ve been for failing.

It pains when you fail. But I’d rather die trying and failing than die only planning.... like you normally do.

5. Weakness

You are stronger than you think.

But you don’t believe it. Do you?

You always feel weak when it comes to putting in the work. You spend so much time scrolling through the night or watching TV but when it’s time to learn, you lack the courage.

And the worst part of it is you let others see how lazy you are. They joke. They laugh. They... you know what I mean. You know how they treat you.

But, my friend, guess what? You’re not alone. The whole world agree ‘nobody is perfect’. Weakness has no exception.

But the problem is you let them know what immediately makes you feel lazy or tired and frustrated. If they planned to win over you, they could make use your weaknesses and push you into the fire...... learn how to hide your weaknesses.



T. A. Adam

My articles are for those with dreams to be successful— or grow your Medium account. I'll help you! I am a writing coach and freelance copywriter - Try me!