With COVID Isolation, We Have a Legit Chance to Be Lazy

How lazy life attitude can feel good and gift you with new happiness

Olya Aman
Published in
6 min readDec 10, 2020


Photo from the author

Languor has all the diablerie that can come from the toffee and coffee and just as much my craving to it.

When I am close to becoming stressed, I leave only self, self, self — and find a blissful fascination in stripping my life of the finery with which schedules and expectations clothe it. Idleness thaws the icicles in my heart, making me spend time with myself and thinking about what I want. All the blustering, blundering, thundering, doddering things disappear, and my lips curl with semi-amused contempt because I love myself ten times more when I’m busy with sweet nothing and think about lovely nobody.

A text from my former schoolmate forced me to suppress this well-bred smile of contempt, which was my daily companion all these lonely days.

Germany, Natasha: This isolation puts me in the deepest melancholy. I cannot live shut out of the entire world.

A shrug of my shoulders was the answer to it. We communicate through WhatsApp: sending texts, voice messages, and seldom talking on the phone. I thought, “Some people…



Olya Aman

My pen is the finest instrument of amazement, entertainment, motivation and enjoyment, chasing each other across pages.