The Healing Butterfly

With Love: 50 or Bust!

I’m sending LOVE ENERGY by ALWAYS clapping 50 times.

Infiniti 🦋
Published in
7 min readJun 30, 2020


Photo by Wolfgang via Canva

I love you already means that I don’t need to know you to love you. I don’t need to know your story, know who you are or what your name is — I love you already. I feel your Soul, I love you through your Soul and the details of you you are or who I am in this life do not matter. I love you already.

My humanity, my human ego being afraid of love or expressing it, the need for something in return — set aside and my Soul taking over in these past years in the way I feel and deal with people and Love.

I had to evolve if I was to step into my destiny.

If I was going to work with Love Energy for healing then I needed to be able to always feel and send it.

To raise my vibration to freely give and receive love as it came to me, otherwise I was not capable of handling this most potent energy.

I love everyone, I see all people as brothers and sisters of my expanded Soul Family. I won’t know everyone, but I love everyone.



Infiniti 🦋

Guiding Souls to The Truth of the magic & power that lives inside of them. Divine Incarnate. Healer. Messenger.