
Within and only within.

Soham Ganguly
Published in
Sep 30, 2023


I hide

In the crevice

Of my linguistic inability,

Exhausted from existing.

Eyes closing with every exhale.

There is a feeling of explosion

within my skull.

Multiple explosion held

within this carcass of

calcium and minerals.

I am nothing but a captive

Within this cage of a body,

Hoping to seep out like

carbonated soda from

a can after its shaken.

I have been shaken enough,

But I have no outlet.

I have a mouth but no ear

To nestle my words into,

I have ears but those heavy

With my own.

I have no mind, for its too wild to be called that.

I have a soul, for I believe,

I have one.

Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

