Women Education is as Important as Men Education
Non Members can read this story from here. The world is changing in the right direction but there is still a long distance to travel.
It is the twenty-first century and the world has seen significant progress over the years, women are fighting for their rights across the globe, feminists are working for the rights of women and they get these rights for which they are fighting, but there is still one area where people, government, women, and feminists need to focus: women’s education.
Those who are educated are just trying to fight for the right that may benefit them but not the next generation of women. Women deserve every right but the most important and basic right is the right to study.
It might not be common here in Western countries but in Africa, Asia, and even in some parts of Europe and America women lack this right. The parents don’t focus on the studies of women and some even don’t let them go to schools.
I am a feminist and I will protest to the world until every girl gets the right to education same as a boy. The numbers are disturbing and I was broken from the inside when I read the stats about women’s education ratio in Africa.
I am concerned about the women of Africa, where only a mere 14% of women in the low-income category graduate from secondary school.
The problem is not finished yet, even in the upper to middle-income class category the maximum figure passed through my eyes was 57%. Can you imagine over 122 million Africans do not clear secondary school? And of these 122 million Africans more than half are women.
How can the younger generation grow with this world, know the world’s facts, and understand how it works if their parents cannot teach them and raise them in a disturbing environment?
I demanded just as we support women in business, politics, and other rights, we need to support women who lack access to basic education.
I am not ok with 1,000 women becoming business tycoons but I will be happy if a million women get an education, become self-supportive, and compete with the men around them. I will be happy when these millions start their businesses or join the workforce just as average men do.
Well, if you are a woman you may better understand that women need to be educated more than men. Women face more health issues and challenges where education is their main weapon. When women are educated about these health issues, they have a better chance of avoiding them.
Women’s education necessary for the economy
Education boosts economies. Greater education for female individuals increases their chances of finding productive employment, which boosts the household income as a whole.
Some studies prove my point. For example, In 2003, UNESCO conducted a study that stated that for every year that a country’s average years of schooling increase its economy grows by 3.7% in the long term.
I will teach my children about these issues at an early age just as my parents do.
The question is why am I raising my voice for women’s education? What will happen if women lack education? When happened due to which it seems necessary.
Lack of education causes poverty.
The lack of women’s education causes poverty at the household as well as country level. When will these men understand that a woman can earn too? They can support their families just as men do. They can earn money alongside their brothers, fathers, and husbands.
If a woman depends on his father or husband, it may cause problems. It is good that men provide food, a place to live, and other basic things to women but what if they lack money in the future or leave them? What will a woman do if she does have a skill and education?
Imagine a house where only one man earns and feeds a 6 people family and a house where both husband and wife do work and feed the same amount of people. You are smart enough to understand which case is better.
The families will progress if we let our daughter study. Nowadays we want an education for girls our sons, and brothers but don’t want our daughters or sisters to get an education. Why? Just because you are afraid they will learn about their rights if they study? Or do You want them to depend upon you for their whole life?
Lack of education affects mental health.
Women’s mental health suffers when they are not given access to education. Women have the important task of raising their children at home. They have to manage homes. They have to take care of everything.
I know these are necessary things a woman should do but the terrifying part is they lack the right to own property and do work. They don’t have the right to choose a man for marriage. They have to obey their parents or brothers in this regard. While living a life centered around the home isn’t necessarily a bad thing, when women don’t have a choice about it, it can be deeply isolating.
It can lead to higher levels of depression in women, and other mental health issues. To overcome these conditions, we need to give them access to education so they meet with different people and get the opportunity to earn and establish their professional lives as well. It will make them mentally strong.
Lack of education impacts reproductivity issues.
A lack of education impacts reproductivity-related health issues, including unintended pregnancy and higher infant mortality rates.
A woman gives birth to children and if women face these issues it will not only impact them but the future generation as well. A child born to a mother with maternity issues will have to face medical issues in the future.
Lack of education also leads us towards overpopulation. They have as many as 8 to a dozen children if they lack education. On the other hand, more educated girls have fewer children with healthier pregnancies as compared to uneducated women and they are also more financially stable than them.
They can plan when is the right time to have a child and how to raise them. They can take care of their child and themselves more properly if they are educated enough. They raise their babies well and educate them from a young age. They can also take good care of their babies’ health.
Causes of lack of women’s education
There are several causes due to which women lack education.
- Poverty is one of the leading causes of lack of education in middle-class to lower-class families. They don’t let their children study because they are unable to pay the feeses.
- Child Marriage is another leading cause of lack of education in women. Parents marry their daughters at an early age (before 18) due to which they have to skip their education.
- Gender discrimination is one of the most disgusting causes of lack of education in women. People have a mindset of what will a woman do by getting an education. They don’t need to get an education. It is the least a human can think of. Although, in recent times, the number of girls enrolling in school has increased significantly we still need to focus on the numbers in rural areas.
- Gender-based violence against women and girls by male students and staff in schools scared parents. They are afraid their daughter will suffer from violence if they go outside. Our governments and school administrations need to take this matter seriously. There are a lot of rape cases registered against teachers as well which is very disturbing. We need to punish them as hard as we can so no one dares to do such a thing again.
- The last cause in my mind due to which women lack education is the lack of government attention. Governments of some developing countries do not focus on women’s education as much as they focus on men’s. Due to this, our women remain uneducated, and these countries remain developing. They need to understand that it might be the reason that their country is not making any progress. Maybe they make more progress if they focus on women’s education.
The conclusion to my discussion is simple, if women get education it will make our world a better place to live. It will make our future generation well-mannered, educated, and productive. Because these things are directly related to education.
You can let me know about your point of view about this most important issue. We can raise our voices against it together and let this topic trend across the globe. We must fight for this right for women as we fight for other rights.
Women are no less than men so they have every right to study equal to men. Spread awareness about women’s education to empower women, to empower the world.
If you cannot change the world start from your home. Let your sister and daughter be the first ones to benefit from it. I hope at least one woman will get the education due to me.
I hope I can change the destiny of at least one woman. I hope I can empower at least one woman. I hope I can change the mind of one person to support me and raise his/her voice for it.
You can read the 2nd part of this story via friend link given below.