Women Entrepreneurship Must Keep Thriving

274 million women globally are involved in business startups. Almost one in five women surveyed globally reported an intention to start a business within the next three years.

JM Piqué


Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

Examples have begun to be quite popular. We wrote an article a few months ago about the “Power of Being Normal”, where we talked about Melanie Perkins, the founder of Canva, and her ability to show the power of a cool entrepreneur who can be the third wealthiest woman in Australia while still having her feet on the ground. Women’s entrepreneurship has gradually entered the hearts, minds, and everyday realities of people in almost every country across the globe.

Globally, many women believe it’s essential for aspiring entrepreneurs to have a role model to look up to. Yet, few women can name a successful female entrepreneur role model.

As the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor report highlights, women entrepreneurs have shown themselves to be strong and resilient in the face of crisis and chaos. Many women entrepreneurs managed to turn the new business context to their advantage. GEM is a collaborative, global research…



JM Piqué

Learner. Top writer in #Ideas, #Future, and #Government. I like living in the future. #Business is my main focus, but I can’t help to have many others.