Women From This Country Are…

Which country has the most ***** women?

Michael Chief
Published in
4 min readApr 4, 2024


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As a dating coach, I have worked with many clients who live overseas or travel a lot. They often ask me if women from a certain country are different from women of other countries.

We’ve all had thoughts like this before. We sometimes have this stereotypical notion that women from certain countries are “easier,” or that certain cultures make it impossible to date them in the same way you would date in your home country.

Here’s the truth, though:

Women are women. People are people.

Culture doesn’t fundamentally change how human beings are on a biopsychological level. A different culture will not affect most significant characteristics of a woman more than individual variance. That is to say, it has more to do with person-to-person differences than culture-to-culture differences.

No matter the culture, women will be attracted to confidence, making women feel safe will be vital, making women laugh will help, the same flirting techniques will work, and everyone you meet will have the same fundamental human desires and fears that you can use to build connection and rapport.



Michael Chief

Dating Coach and author of Never Lonely: The Uncensored Guide on How to Attract and Be Loved by Women https://neverlonelybook.com/kindle