Work Diary: a new way to track your productivity and boost your motivation — In 5 examples

Séverin Makengo
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2022

Start a habit of keeping a work diary, and you’ll be able to record your daily achievements, review your performance, and plan for the future.

Photo by Prophsee Journals on Unsplash

What’s a work diary?

It is a private space where you can record what you’ve done the day about your work.

For example, if you’re a writer — you need to record what you did about writing.

Brainstorming all the details you can about:

  • What you’ve achieved and why
  • What you didn’t succeed, and why
  • Which tools did you use for each task
  • How did you feel about your writing tasks
  • What do you think you can do tomorrow to improve that

Writing as if you’re talking to your lovely friend, with complete sentences.

But don’t worry if you run out of time — just list what you’ve done.

Now, How your dairy will boost your productivity.

1. Keeping a work diary gives you time to think

When you brainstorm your day, you reflect on what you’ve done and what you must do.

According to research, writing down your thoughts helps you become more creative.

By thinking, you unlock new ideas unconsciously.

2. It’s a way of keeping track of your work and your project

When you go back to check your old entries in your diary after a week, — You can quickly figure out what to change or to keep.

And you’ll learn a lot about your behavior — and why focusing on the process is the habit key.

3. Writing your thought will boost your performance

As we notice, when you reflect on your day, you’ll quickly see what worked and what didn’t.

This will allow you to stay focused on your objective because you now know where to go and how.

Also, this will help you to improve your planning and scheduling.

4. You can be proud of yourself

You can read your past entries and notice how much you’ve improved. You’ll feel proud of yourself and be motivated.

You’ll never see yourself as a loser because of what you did and where you want to go.

Your self-motivation will be boosted when you see the progress you make and how far you’ve come.

5. You now have a place to remember what you’ve done

Busy people always forget some tools they have used after many days.

For example, if needed, you can ignore the name of the website you visited in June — for a certain task.

With a work diary, — You can quickly find what you need as it is recorded.

You know enough about a diary — Now, where to write your thought.

Work diaries come in many forms. You can keep a digital work diary on your computer.

Still, you can also use a hard copy diary or a simple notepad and pen.



Séverin Makengo

Escape the STATUS QUO by reading my posts. I publish what others won't dare to say: DON'T TRUST, JUST READ AND FORM YOUR OWN OPINION (Twitter: @Severinmakengo).