Work From Home Depression and How I Had To Overcome It?

Live a Laptop lifestyle with peace

Thakur Rahul Singh


Photo by XPS on Unsplash

A study from Economist Adam Ozimek on Upwork broke down how Americans could save 90$ Billion due to the current work from home situation.

Apart from these financial stats. I want to talk about the mental impact the (Work From Home) had bought

Too Much Isolation Became Normal

Photo by Stefan Spassov on Unsplash

Yes, the rat race of 9–5 made people work for 8–9 hours and commute for 1–2 Hrs on average in a day. It was tiring to do it regularly. But now what?

Many people sit with their computers and are staring at it for 12–13Hrs. Its eventually like you’re doing a 9–9 job. Since people got used to allowing 12–13Hrs for their regular job in a day. Those few extra hours made people site inactive and stare at something

Throughout the whole day’s of work. You are alone, and maybe sometimes, you might on a Skype call for a few hours. You would miss the socializing talks that you have at your office which kept you charged.

