Productivity Tips

How Easy Is It Too Be Productive While Working from Home

Solution: Apply the Productivity Formula in your Life

Priyash Sachdeva


Does it happen to you that when you decide to sit and work dedicatedly, out of nowhere you get the urge to eat something or out of habit start browsing Facebook or LinkedIn?

Being productive in these scenarios is a little challenging (or probably not so little). Although mobile work or work from home has been in dormant existence for a long time, recent advances with a virus attack have made it more prominent in everyone’s life.

By the way, I am an AI engineer in an automotive company. My work is mostly related to software and programming. Considering this, as soon as this pandemic started, my company asked me to work from home as all I need to work is my laptop. And since the last 4 months, I am working from home.

Initially, I had an impression that I would be more efficient at home. I just had to find some good variables (methods) to stay focused. Or so I thought.

To begin with, I had to sit late at nights to finish my work because during the day, I was not working very efficiently. So, while struggling to find the momentum I tried some new variables (methods) to improve my productivity. Some variables worked and some didn’t.

Eventually, I figured some good variables to slowly optimize this productivity value. Or you can say, good methods that helped me in getting more productive.

First of all, to find all about the variables, let's see the formula for productivity.

Source: self made

The idea here is not to reach a numerical productivity value but to understand and adjust these variables in your work routine and reach your maximum productivity.

Now, let’s go through each variable one by one:

Variable 1: Schedule your Daily Tasks with a “No Task” in it.

According to me, this is one of the first steps or variables to even start utilizing your day. Proper planning or just writing out every task, not only helps in keeping you on track but also helps in deciding what is more important and urgent.

Why do we need it?

Because of Time. Since time is finite within each day, by creating a schedule you can visualize how your time is being used. Many studies have proved that better planning leads to a more productive day. The same thing has also been implied by Stephen Covey in his book 7 habits of highly effective people with a theory called “The Pickle Jar Theory”.

How do we do it?

Before ending your day with office work (not personal), just write down a TO-DO list for the next day. Try to sort it out with priorities and assign time to each task (it helps in visibly seeing how much time and effort is needed for each task).

Personally, I like to chop the tasks down into very small units (it is a very productive habit to stay organized). You can checkout more detailed explanation here.

Tip: Reserve some time for a special task — NO TASK. 3 out of 5 days it will happen that an unplanned or urgent task has come up to you. This “no task” time is helpful then. It will act as a cushion with little or no change in your schedule/to-do list.

Variable 2: Have Coffee breaks with your colleagues-VIRTUALLY!

The most fun amongst all 5. Generally, when we are in office, we tend to take coffee/tea breaks a couple of times every day. I believe, it is pretty common for colleagues to take coffee breaks together in the office (or at least I hope).

Why do we need it?

Doing the same thing during home office is not possible anymore. You are mostly alone in your room and working with almost no interaction with anyone. It slowly tends to get lonely and I believe it also limits the interconnection between colleagues effecting eventually the entire team.

How do we do it?

The solution is pretty simple. Recently some of my colleagues and myself have started taking a 10–15 minute coffee break twice every day. We reserved the calendar for an entire month and that is it.

The major benefit with this is that it takes your mind off work and aids in a good mental health. Moreover, instead of feeling lonely, it gives you a break and helps you feel more connected to the team.

Variable 3: Block Sites and Close Tabs

This is the last variable which you have to add in your productive routine in order to achieve better performance. Lack of this variable is a major reason for not only degrading your efficiency but also draining out your energy.

Why do we need it ??

Sometimes, during working, is it normal for you to open Instagram or Facebook or any other social sites? Or just start browsing something on the phone? If yes, then you seriously need this variable.

Our mind has become habitual of these habits and lost its attention span. According to one of the recent studies at the University of Mary Washington, people tend to use social network websites multiple times during the day and stay active due to addiction and fear of missing out (FOMO).

How do we do it??
The easiest way to implement this technique is to add the google chrome extension- “Block Site — Website Blocker for Chrome™”. It is so easy to use and provides so many good options based on your choices. From how much time to what websites you want to block and hence allows you to schedule your entire day. Sync it up with your schedule and let it do the wonders.

Variable 4: Prepare Breakfast and Lunch before Start Working

Well, this is the most simple variable to implement I guess. And also one of the most important ones too. And the good thing is, you have to subtract this from your routine during working hours.

Do you also feel slowed down or hard to concentrate immediately after lunch? Then may be this variable is missing in your routine.

Why do we need it?

In the beginning, during breakfast/lunch break, I first cooked and then ate. Doing this not only hinders your flow but also changes your mood. It does not relaxes you, instead, it makes you want to relax a little afterwards.

How do we do it?

I would recommend to either prepare your lunch the previous night or cook something before starting your work. It saves so much energy by having not to decide and cook during the day and eventually you will be able to enjoy your lunch and stay fresh for your work.

Variable 5: Time Box and Take Breaks

This variable is like a management variable. It manages the other variables by distributing them.

The time box aids in dividing your time according to your tasks. That’s why variable 1 is helpful if you schedule properly. It helps to keep you focused and put an order to your working day.

Contrary to many beliefs, regular breaks of 5–10 minutes also help in being productive. Taking breaks in between time-box will help you with relaxation and charging up.

Why do we need it?

When you know you have 1 hour to work and then you can have a break, it feels better than seeing the left over 6-7 hrs cumulatively. According to a study at Harvard University, this is the most important factor for productivity. It helps in keeping a track of how much time do each task really take.

How do we do it?

For example: Suppose you have 8 hours of working day. You have 4 tasks each of approximately 1.5 hours. You need 30 minutes for lunch, 30 minutes for coffee. So the steps to maximize the efficiency:

  1. Write all 4 tasks down and sort them with priority.
  2. A time-box of 1 hour with few minutes break between each time box.
  3. Block websites during each time box.
  4. After 2nd or 3rd Time Box, schedule time for coffee or lunch.

Probably, work from home will be a much more common concept and we have to adapt to the changing times. In order to stay productive and relevant in your work, it’s time to game up and increase productivity.

Each variable role is different for each of us. And depending upon our lifestyle, each of us could give different weight to each variable. But the most important thing is that we have to keep all variables in good proportion, otherwise our productivity may decrease.



Priyash Sachdeva

AI Enthusiast — Aiming to blend gardening and self-development within AI.