Working with a Power Ancestor

Who is your “go-to” ancestor?

Theresa C. Dintino
Published in
5 min readAug 20, 2022


Photo taken by author

Most spiritual practitioners have or will develop what I call a “power ancestor.” This is the ancestor you go to when you need help, advice and guidance. The first one you think of. The one you know you can trust 100%.

Once this power ancestor is identified, the work you can do with them increases and intensifies in potency. Continued work with any spiritual being strengthens and intensifies the connection and the work you do together. They will show up if you do. And you will continue to learn and be taught by them the more you deepen your practice. This is when the real works begins.

Some of the work that can be carried out with a power ancestor is: asking them to help with situations that are difficult and challenging. This can include work for or on behalf of a client or work in the ancestral realm that feels daunting — a toxic pattern, stubbornness or resistance to change, challenging blockages.

You can ask a power ancestor to go speak to another ancestor who is causing trouble in a family system, or who is not cooperating with the requests you are making or questions you are asking.

You can ask the power ancestor to take care of certain unpleasant situations, sending them to do what they, with their wisdom, know needs to be done. This…

