White Supremacy

World Leaders Expose Global White Supremacy

Many have focused on media bias surrounding the war in Ukraine, but European leaders have also expressed racial and ethnic animus

Arturo Dominguez
Published in
6 min readMar 30, 2022


Russian troops blocking the Ukrainian military base in Perevalne during the 2014 Ukrainian Crisis | Image via Anton Holoborodko | Creative Commons

Coverage of the war in Ukraine by Western Media has displayed racist undertones exposing animus against non-white populations. Many of us have seen the coverage. It started with Charlie D’Agata for CBS News referring to Ukrainians as “relatively civilized” while comparing them to refugees from other war-torn countries. But for every Charlie D’Agata, there are world leaders being shamelessly blatant about their hate for Black and Brown people.

The dehumanization of non-white populations in Western media is constant. In the U.S., it’s not just the demonization of Muslim, Asian, or African communities. Undermining Black and Indigenous populations always comes first followed by the criminalization of immigrants from Latin America and nearly every other Black and Brown nation.

We see that bias all too often on local and national news in the United States.

Seeing it on mainstream media on a global scale is a rarity for U.S. citizens whose media is isolated from the rest of the world. Yes, isolated. We never hear about Yemen, Syria…



Arturo Dominguez

Journalist covering Congress, Racial Justice, Human Rights, Cuba, Texas | Editor: The Antagonist Magazine |