Would You Watch the Movie of Your Life?

If not, you have work to do, Mr. Director.

Antonio Parente Jr


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A movie where the hero has no mission is a bad movie.

A good movie, on the other hand, has a hero who fights a strong opponent for a noble cause. And, as you know, we can’t help but love those stories.

Now, ask yourself: what kind of movie would your life be? Would you watch the film of your life until the end or would you rather get up and leave?

In good stories, the hero evolves

Luke Skywalker was a farmer and became a Jedi. Harry Potter was an insecure kid before becoming one of the greatest wizards of his time.

So, first question: are you evolving?

A strong opponent is crucial

Without Tai Lung, Po would have never become the dragon warrior.

A strong opponent pushes the hero to the limit. It’s a make-it-or-break-it situation. It’s through the opponent that the hero becomes his best version.

Do you have a difficult family? Welcome to the club. Now, it’s on you to fight against this opposition and grow in the process. However, get defeated and the story is over.

The good part, if I can say it, is that, for most of us, opponents are all over the place. Are you fighting them or have you given up already?

The woman who understood the cosmos

Imagine a movie with that title. In this hypothetical movie, a woman born in rural England in the early twentieth century fights against her family traditions to become a renowned physicist. Can you imagine how strong the opposition would be for her? Can you imagine how much she would grow in the process?

Would you want to watch her story? I bet you would.

Contrast that movie with “My Fun Vacations — Part 2”, another hypothetical movie, which shows the protagonist having fun after winning the lottery. No opposition, no growth. Maybe you can give a few laughs, but that’s pretty much it. Not very interesting, let’s be honest.

The good life is not about having comfort and fun

The good life is about having a purpose.

Of course I love comfort and fun, but I know these things alone will never bring fulfillment, they will never quench my thirst. Besides, the movie resulting from such life would be boring. Nobody would want to watch it.

I want to live a life where I evolve, where my opponents push me to the limit, and where I fulfill my mission.

I want my life to be a movie I would like to watch.



Antonio Parente Jr

Micro-retiring every day from 5 to 9. Contributing to a safer aviation from 9 to 5. Just a guy who left the bleachers to enter the arena.