When Asked How To Be A Writer, This Is My Number One Answer

Every writer starts somewhere…

Jamie Alvarenga
2 min readApr 14, 2023


Jodie Cook via Unsplash

I’ve been writing online for nearly ten years, so I’m in a lot of writer Facebook groups. Often an aspiring writer who’s new to a group will ask the following question:

How do I become a writer?

And you can probably guess everyone’s answer:

Just write!

While I agree that simply writing does make one a writer, there’s certainly more to it. Telling someone to just write doesn’t help. But you know what does help? Advising someone where and how to begin writing.

When I’m asked how to be a writer, my number one answer is to start a blog. The aspiring writer usually follows up with something like:

But I’m not ready for people to see my writing!

That’s okay. Most, if not all, blog sites allow you to keep posts private. Practice makes perfect. Continue writing at least a couple of times a week about whatever you want. After plenty of practice, and persistence, make a few blog posts public once you’re feeling more comfortable.

That’s what I did ten years ago. I was working in a healthcare office but craved creativity, so I started a blog. Blogging led to readers, which led to more confidence, pitching articles, paid freelance gigs, and, eventually, a full-time writing and editing job.

I didn’t begin writing on Medium until recently, but it would have been nice to have years ago before I had an “official” writing portfolio. If you’re a new writer without any bylines under your belt yet, I recommend moving your best blog posts to Medium, which can act as your portfolio.

Ready to get started? Forbes recently updated their 7 Best Free Blogging Platforms list. Choose a blogging platform that suits you, and get started. Don’t stress about making your blog pretty or professional-looking in the beginning — your job as a new writer is to simply fill it with words.

Every writer starts somewhere. The key is to start and to keep going.

If you find that the keep going part is difficult for you, then maybe you’re not meant to be a writer, and that’s okay. Most writers I know are passionate about writing. Writing isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme — it’s a life-long relationship with ups and downs. The ups are amazing. The downs are worth it.

Start a blog today, practice, persist, and embrace the peaks and valleys along the way.

What are some other valuable tips for new writers? Or what’s the best writing advice you’ve ever received? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments — let’s inspire one another!

For more stories about writing, life, and more, please follow me on Medium!



Jamie Alvarenga

Top writer in Journalism sharing stories about writing, life lessons, humor, and more.