Writer’s Block

I just want it to be good

Aug 4, 2022


Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash

When I sit down to write these days,
the words don’t go, a lack of flow,
the rhymes aren’t rhyme-ing anymore.
I’m stuck staring at a blinking cursor, cursing at myself.
This is it, I think to myself.
I’m a flow-less writer in woe who lost their mojo.

They say to just write.
Ignore perfection and perfect as you go,
but I want it to be perfect.
I want it to be perfectly written and phrased,
each word resonating in the souls of the readers
rattling their cores like an 808
but instead, the melody is only skin deep,
failing to even cause a vibration.

I know I’ll get my groove back.
For now, here’s a simple, timeless rhyme
to remind you that it’s fine
if your pieces aren’t sublime all the time.





Writes relatable, thought-provoking pieces for the Web.