Writers: This Powerful Ingredient Helped My LinkedIn Post Go Viral

Maybe it can help you, too!

Elizabeth Gordon


Image courtesy of Marcelo Miranda on Pexels

Do you know who John Cleese is?

Before you click out and head to Google, I’ll just tell you.

John Cleese is a British comedian, writer, and actor and he’s been making people laugh for decades.

I grew up watching him in a show called Fawlty Towers, where he plays an overwhelmed (and amazingly rude) hotel manager, endlessly dealing with the requests of his guests, all while rolling his eyes.

Cleese knows humor and he knows how powerful it is:

Image courtesy of Google

Don’t worry, there’s a reason I’m telling you about John Cleese.

And the reason is this: laughter heals us and helps us connect.

If you’re still in the working world, I’m willing to bet you’ve seen some pretty terrible job postings.

As a writer, I see them all the time and it got me thinking: do companies and staffing agencies read the ridiculous job ads they post?

Some of them are pure comedy, but since people need work, no one is laughing.



Elizabeth Gordon

Elizabeth Gordon is a writer, book author, and spiritual coach. IG: @elizabethgwriter Visit here: www.totalwellnesscopywriting.com GRAB MY BOOK ON AMAZON!